Wreath-laying ceremony in Minsk on occasion of Belarusian Police Day

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09.03.2010 14:08 — Новости Общества

Wreath-laying ceremony in Minsk on occasion of Belarusian Police DayTop police officials of Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine on March 4 laid wreaths at a monument to fallen police officers in Minsk on the occasion of Belarusian Police Day, BelaPAN said.

Participating in the ceremony were: Belarusian Interior Minister Anatol Kulyashow; Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev; Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Volodymyr Yevdokymov; Saulius Skvernelis, Lithuania’s deputy police commissioner general; Ints Kuzis, head of the Riga regional police department; and Mihai Cebotaru, deputy head of Moldova’s police department.

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