Источник материала:  
04.12.2019 — Разное


Learning Chinese reappeared in Voronovo  school. A volunteer-interpreter from China came to our district with this aim.

An agreement with Belarusian State University to establish a center for learning the Chinese language and culture in Voronovo  school  was signed in 2016. Two groups of seventh graders had been learning the language of China at optional classes for a year. Anzhelika Bazylevich from Radun, a student of the faculty of International Relations of the university worked as a teacher. But the girl entered the Pedagogical University in China and left for study. It was rather problematic to find a replacement. The administration of the school had to address to the Republican Confucius Institute, Belarusian Embassy in China.

And the problem has been solved. U Shuanchuan came to Voronovo for teaching children. In summer he graduated from polytechnic university as a “Russian-Chinese interpreter”. He had already had language practice in Russia according to the exchange programme with Russian university. He responded to the offer to work as a volunteer in a Belarusian school as it is good language practice for him.

— I enjoy travelling, am interested in the culture of Russian-speaking countries. Besides, Belarus and China are partners, I also can contribute to the development of relations between our countries, — said Shuanchuan.


The administration of the executive committee helped with living conditions of the volunteer from China. He rented a flat in Voronovka.  – He works as a teacher in our school, — explained Valery Volynets, the headmaster of Voronovo secondary school. – Besides, the Embassy of China in Belarus also pays for his labour. We help the foreign citizen to adapt to our collective, to solve household problems. Shuanchuan had visited lessons and delved in the specifics of our educational process before he started teaching. He got acquainted with school textbooks in Chinese.

More than 80 pupils from the 5th to 11th grades wished to learn Chinese. A few groups have been formed, they have classes on Saturday. At the first lesson the pupils got acquainted with peculiarities of the language – a tone system. While the children chanted combinations of sounds, time flew imperceptibly and lively.


Belarus made a good impression on Shuanchuan. Beautiful and unique nature, architecture, open-minded and kind-hearted people. The teacher-volunteer wants not only to teach our children Chinese but also to perfect his Russian. His stay here may last three years if necessary.

Olga Vorobyova

Translated by Zinaida Tserpitskaya

Photo by Oleg Belsky

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