The torchbearers and the guests of the relay race shared their impressions

Источник материала:  
31.05.2019 — Разное
The 50-day relay race “Flame of Peace”, which started on the 3rd of May in Rome, goes through the significant places of Belarus. For Smorgon the relay race with the fire became a unique, unlike any other, event. The 23rd of May will be written in the history of sports life as an independent substantive page. This day will always be remembered by the participants and the guests of the festival. They shared their emotions with the reporters of the newspaper “Svetly Shlyakh”.

Alena MOROZ, a marketing expert in ALC «Farming» (torchbearer):

The torchbearers and the guests of the relay race shared their impressions

- Preparation for the relay race was very exciting. We worried while we were preparing and going here. But everything flitted past. The emotions got the better of us.

This relay race is very important for our country. I’m sure we really deserved these grand-scale competitions.

Anna KHALETSKAYA, a student of the sport-pedagogical faculty for mass sports of the BGUPC (torchbearer):

The torchbearers and the guests of the relay race shared their impressions

- To be a torchbearer is a very responsible and honorable mission. I was pleasantly surprised to get an opportunity to run on the Smorgon land. I liked how people met us. I was greatly impressed by M.K. Oginsky’s mansion. I will definitely come here again.

Ruslan CHERNETSKY, an actor of the National Academic Drama Theatre named after M. Gorky (torchbearer):

The torchbearers and the guests of the relay race shared their impressions

- I’m proud I had the honour to carry the torch. Although I’m an actor all my life is connected with sport. When I was watching the Olympic Games I always looked at the torchbearers with delight and thought: «How lucky they are!». Time went by and I was offered to fulfil this mission too.

There are a lot of talented people including sportsmen on the Belarusian land. I’m sure during the II European Games our countrymen will show their worth in all the disciplines. The home ground will help them. I believe that it supports and gives strength.


Photo: by author.

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