Источник материала:  
15.05.2018 — Разное

«MIR at the crossroads of times»

The Mir Castle Complex Museum has prepared an unusual program for its visitors on May 18, 2018. On this day they will be able to learn dances, play games that were popular in the 16th-18th centuries, and also become participants of an interactive evening full of mystery and secrets.

There are no castles without legends. And Mir Castle is not an exception. On 18.V.18 one of the most touching legends will not only be told, but also shown in an unusual form. Only this evening the Mir Castle Complex Museum will open the doors, which have always been closed, will lift the veil on the secrets, which were kept for 500 years by the castle walls.

The main characters of this evening, Prince Mikhail Kazimierz Radziwill, nicknamed Rybonka, and Princess Franciszka Urszula, will invite the visitors to a batleika show (nativity Scene in the Portrait Hall, and then they will take guests on an unusual journey around Mir Castle.

Name of the Event Time Place
Dance and entertainment program (dances and games, popular in the 16th-18th centuries) 5.00 pm–6.30 pm Castle courtyard
Presentation of the restored portrait of Princess Franciszka Urszula Radziwill.

Batleika Show

6.30 pm–7.00 pm The Portrait Hall
Interactive excursion-trip with «Secrets of Mir Castle» 7.00 pm–9.00 pm The northern and eastern parts of the palace, fighting gallery.

←Портал заработает летом в Гродненской и Брестской областях

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