Demand for house painters, roofers and tractor drivers. The first in 2019 job fairs were held in Korelichi and Volkovysk

Источник материала:  
27.01.2019 — Разное

Natalia Gotsko, the deputy head of the department for labor, employment and social protection of the Korelichi district executive committee, said that job fairs are held to inform unemployed citizens about employment opportunities and the personnel needs of city organizations. Applicants have the opportunity to simultaneously meet with several heads of personnel services, offer their professional skills, and get a job offer.

Demand for house painters, roofers and tractor drivers. The first in 2019 job fairs were held in Korelichi and Volkovysk

The registered unemployed and those who are in the database of unemployed citizens who are not employed in the economy were invited to the first fair in the new year. Representatives of eight personnel services of enterprises and organizations of the district took part in the event. As of January 1, there were over 190 vacancies for 26 registered unemployed in the employment service of Korelichsky district. There are vacancies at Korelichi-Len OJSC, at Krasnoarmeyskaya poultry farm, in agricultural districts of the district, RUP housing and communal services, regional hospital and in other organizations. Machine milking operators, painters, roofers, tractor drivers, electric and gas welders, mechanics are in demand.

In addition to communicating with potential employers, during the fair there was an opportunity to learn from the employment service specialists about all the work places, retraining programs, and other employment assistance options.

All tunemployed who visited the fair in Volkovysk were also offered vacancies. The demand for labor here is also high: there are over 600 vacancies for 180 unemployed. Drivers, tractor drivers, livestock breeders, medical personnel, vendors, and chief specialists in agricultural organizations are in demand. Oil-makers, equipment adjusters are required at Bellakt OJSC, refrigeration unit operators, repair technicians at Volkovysk Meat-Packing Plant OJSC.

Job fairs in the new year, as in the past, employment services are planning to hold on Wednesdays.

Written by Tatyana Vasylevkina
Translated by Olga Ilyuk

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