Battle with Napoleon will take place near Mir

Источник материала:  
25.06.2018 — Разное

Battle with Napoleon will take place near MirGrodno Oblast Executive Committee, Korelichy Regional Executive Committee, IPO «Intellect.Information. Progress»and Minsk Infantry Regiment invite you to visit the military and historical festival «Mir-2018».

300 reenactors representing soldiers of the Russian and Napoleonic armies will reenact the «Battle of Mir» — the first major cavalry battle of the company of 1812 on the territory of Belarus — before your very eyes.

On the eve of the battle, General of the Cossack Corps MatveyPlatov receives an order from Bagrationto keep the troops of the enemy near Mir foras long as possible. The main forces of the 2nd Western Army need time to break away from the troops of the Polish Uhlans and to join the army of Barclay de Tolly. The chieftain decides to lure the French into the «deserted» township and to close the trap. How will the confrontation between the Great Army of Napoleon and the desperate Cossack cavalry end? Can Platov’s tactical trick help cool down the fervor of the invincible French cavalry?

The festival will be held on July 7-8 in the township of Mir.

The program of the festival includes:

July 7, 2018

The central square of the township of Mir, summer amphitheater

2.00 pm – exhibition and sale of goods of craftsmen, shopping arcades, attractions, children’s playgrounds.

4.00 pm — opening of the literary salon “Adam Mickiewicz invites …

(The guests of the literary salon will get acquainted with the book illustrated exhibition «…I left part of my soul everywhere», where the literature about the life and work of Adam Mickiewicz will be presented, verses and excerpts from the poems “Grazhina” and “Pan Tadeush” will be performed. Besides, you will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the author of numerous monographs about the life and work of the poet, the director of the House-Museum of Adam Mickiewicz NikolayGayba.

4.00 pm — the French Courtyard begins its work

Visiting the «French Courtyard», the audience will have a unique opportunity to dance cotillion, listen to lectures, read newspapers, dine, play chess, French lottery, try the beloved delicacy of the French «Burgundy snails». In other words, you will travel to France of the 19th century.

5.00 pm- presentation of French cuisine («French Courtyard»);

5.30 pm — performance of the national puppet theater «Batleika» by the educational establishment «Mir State Art Vocational andTechnical College»;

6.00 pm — Romantic eradancemaster class.

The central square of the township of Mir.

7.00 pm-8.00 pm- reenactment of the city battle «Mir-1812» (ticket price 5.0 rubles);

8.30 pm-10.00 pm — performance of the old-age music band;

10.30 pm- night film screening of movies about the epoch of the Napoleonic wars in the summer amphitheater.

July 8, 2018

The area behind «Mirum-Grad»Cafe

10.00 am-4.00 pm — Thematic platforms of the Pribuzhsky Cossacks with the military-patriotic center «Cossack Spas» and the Orthodox Brotherhood of the Transfiguration of the Lord of Nesvizh deanery will work.

The Pribuzhsky Cossacks together with the military-patriotic center»Cossack Spas» and the Orthodox Brotherhood of the Transfiguration of the Lord of Nesvizh deanerywill give everyone an opportunity to participate in sport, entertainment, educational and spiritual activities, they will demonstrate military equipment of the modern army of the Republic of Belarus, and will offer to dismantle and assemble the model of AKM (Modernized Kalashnikov Automatic Rifle) and PM (Makarov’s Pistol).

A presentation of military-patriotic education within the framework of the Cossack Spas Center and youth work carried out by the Brotherhood of the Transfiguration of the Lordwill also take place, as well as folk games and amusements.


12.00 pm-12.30 pm — parade of troops of the Russian and French armies;

1.00 pm-2.00 pm- reenactment of the battle «Mir-1812» (ticket price 10.00 rub.);

2.30 pm — 3.30 pm — the competition of the Pribuzhsky Cossacks together with the military-patriotic center «Cossack Spas» in shashka (sabre).

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