Пост женщины о своем теле стал вирусным, и он действительно потрясающий

Источник материала: Flytothesky  
09.06.2017 12:36 — Калейдоскоп

«На протяжении многих лет этот мужчина любит каждый мой изгиб, каждую складочку и каждую растяжку на моем теле»

Знакомьтесь, Джеззи.

"We are our own worst critic" -Adam Jones • In my life I have always battled myself. Judging myself on what I look like and how I act. Never letting myself get out of my comfort zone because I didn't want to be criticized anymore then I had already been. Now that I am feeling more confident in my body I can see that I have been my own worst enemy in life. I have been so hard on myself I have held myself back from so many opportunities and experiences I could have enjoyed this far. • Sometimes the hardest thing to compete with is ourself! We have to stop putting ourselves down and holding ourselves back! There is a beautiful world that we should be enjoying instead of hiding from it. Stop competing with yourself!! • • • #tummylove #thankful #confidence #celebratemysize #bodypositivity #aspiringplussizemodel #allshapesandsizes #aspiringmodel #mylife #motivation #lovemybody #lovemybelly #loveyourself #plussizegang #positive #plussize #positivevibes #yourbeautiful #youarebeautiful #thickthighs #beautiful #bodylove #bodypositive #iamblessed #selflove #stophiding #summerbody #nofilter #nonegativity #nostereotypes

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Она жена, мать и целеустремленная модель, которая использует Instagram, чтобы продемонстрировать любовь к себе и своему телу.

Пост женщины о своем теле стал вирусным, и он действительно потрясающий
И, конечно же, она пашет в спортзале.

To all the haters out there that have been talking about me as if I'm just fat, unhealthy, and not doing nothing about it! Even though I owe you NO type of explanation! I wanted to share with y'all proof that I do go to they gym and I am very healthy!!! • • Now to the men and women that are body positive along side of me, just because we love our bodies doesn't mean we can't take care of our bodies! Loving yourself does not mean that you just let yourself go. When you love yourself truly you want to take care of your body. Good eating habits and exercise are key to staying healthy and hey if that results in weight loss that's ok and if it doesn't that's ok too. It's not about being skinny or being fat it's about being healthy. • Love yourself and stay healthy! • • • #beautiful #bodylove #nostereotypes #nonegativity #iamblessed #aspiringmodel #allshapesandsizes #aspiringplussizemodel #selflove #stophiding #summerbody #nonegativity #nofilter #nostereotypes #positive #plussize #positivity #plussizegang #positivevibes #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodylove #youarebeautiful #celebratemysize #confidence #effyourbeautystandards #effyourbodystandards #everyoneisbeautiful

A post shared by Jazzy (@a_body_positive_jazzy) on

Недавно Джеззи опубликовала пост в Instagram, и он стал вирусным:

Over the years this man has loved every curve, every roll, and every stretch mark on my body. I never understood why! • How could he love something that isn't "perfect"? How could a man who was "born fit" love someone like me! I don't have a flat stomach, I jiggle when I walk, hell if I run up the stairs to fast my body claps (lmao)!! But now I see I do have the "perfect" body!! Every roll, every curve and every stretch mark is put on me just perfect to make both of us happy!!! I love my body and I finally see why he does too!! • • Photo credit: @ryanwmedia • • • #effyourbeautystandards #effyourbodystandards #everyoneisbeautiful #tummylove #youarebeautiful #aspiringmodel #aspiringplussizemodel #celebratemysize #curvysensedoll #confidence #lovemybody #lovemybelly #loveyourbody #selflove #summerbody #bikini #bikinibody #bodylove #bodypositive #bodypositivity #womenofallsizes #support #love #positive #plussize #positivity #plussizegang #positivevibes #youarebeautiful

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Она написала: «На протяжении многих лет этот мужчина любит каждый мой изгиб, каждую складочку и каждую растяжку на моем теле».

Сначала она не была уверена, что муж любит её. «Как мог мужчина с идеальной фигурой полюбить такую, как я! У меня нет плоского живота. Мое тело дрожит при ходьбе. А если я слишком быстро бегу вверх по лестнице, то мое тело трясется!»

Но в конце концов, Джеззи поняла, что ее тело идеально: «Теперь я вижу, что у меня есть это «идеальное тело». Каждый изгиб, каждая складка и каждая растяжка совершенны, и это делает нас двоих счастливыми».

I used to HATE going to the beach!! I know weird right! But I hated it because I hated the way I looked! I wasn't confident enough in myself to be able to let go and enjoy my time there. Yesterday I went to the beach, got down to my 2 piece and enjoyed life! For the first time I didn't worry about what everybody thought about me. I just let go and had fun with my family! • It's funny how just learning to love yourself the way you are can change the way experience life in itself! • Let go and enjoy! Your beautiful! • • • #curvysensedoll #stophiding #youarebeautiful #summerbody #selflove #aspiringmodel #allshapesandsizes #aspiringplussizemodel #bodylove #bodypositive #bodypositivity #model #motivation #positive #plussize #positivity #positivevibes #loveyourbody #loveyourself #lovemybelly #lovemybody #youarebeautiful #nonegativity #nostereotypes #tummylove #celebratemysize

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Она закончила свой пост словами: «Мне нравится мое тело, и я наконец понимаю, почему оно нравится и моему мужчине!»

Людям понравилось и её фото, и её месседж, и Джеззи получила массу поддерживающих и хвалебных комментариев.

Why did I start this journey to loving myself? • This seems to be a big question recently!! • I started this journey to loving myself not because I want to be unhealthy, actually it's exactly the opposite of that! • Before I was depressed! I always thought that I was exactly what some of these comments are saying! I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm unhealthy! .. well one thing was right… I was unhealthy!! It was unhealthy for me to be doing all of these diets, unhealthy for me to be thinking of myself in such a negative way, unhealthy to my mind, body, and soul. • Since beginning to love myself I found that I am so much more happier! No one can get me down off my positivity except myself! The healthiest thing I have ever done for myself is learn to love me for who I am and stop hiding from the world. I know I'm a healthy beautiful woman and I hope you all know that too!! • • • #iamblessed #confidence #celebratemysize #everyoneisbeautiful #effyourbeautystandards #aspiringmodel #allshapesandsizes #aspiringplussizemodel #effyourbodystandards #positive #plussize #bodypositive #bodypositivity #positive #lovemybody #lovemybelly #loveyourself #healthy

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Джеззи можно искренне поблагодарить – и за её публикацию, и за то, что она несет позитив и, самое главное, любит себя!Пост женщины о своем теле стал вирусным, и он действительно потрясающий

Текст: Flytothesky.ru

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